
Local Mom of Two CI Recipients on Magazine Cover

Jennifer Andress, a local mom to not one but two bilateral cochlear implant recipients (John and Will) can been seen on the cover of one of several versions of July's Runner's World magazine. She and other cancer survivors were selected to be featured and represent the thousands of survivors who lace up those running shoes and go!

She's participated in many runs including half-marathons and marathons as well. Her running shoes have taken her to many different states to participate in these popular events. She recently appeared with Rick Journey on Fox 6 (click here for video)

You can read Bama Ears' previous articles by clicking here. You can view the cover of the magazine and Magic City Post's article on the marathon mom by clicking here.

Bama Ears congratulates Jennifer Andress and says thank you to her for all her efforts in not only raising awareness about childhood hearing loss but being a fantastic resource for parents of newly diagnosed children as well.

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