Robert Brown appears to be the typical teen. He's about to enter college and pursue his passion in the medical field, he goes to parties, he hangs out with his friends, all things you expect to find an average eighteen year old doing. He's played soccer since the age of seven and spent the last six years in the school band, the last three being the high school marching band. But what makes him special?

One of his special qualities is his ability to stand alone in front of a room full of people and get them all to laugh with his witty charm. You see, Robert is quite an advocate. He has spoke at many presentations on cochlear implants, early intervention, medical conventions and other childhood hearing loss events.

Robert's parents found out he was deaf when he was about two years old. He received his first cochlear implant when he was around three and a half years old and received his second when he was sixteen. Robert's parents taught him how to hear and speak once he was properly amplified. Now they are the ones sitting in the audiences listening to their son speak about what it was like for him growing up deaf in a hearing world and about how thankful he is to be able to hear with his cochlear implants. He has a great sense of humor and those attending his events

appreciate his viewpoints as many of the audience members are professionals who work with deaf or hard of hearing kids, or parents of children with hearing loss. Robert is a great role model for all the Alabama children growing up with hearing loss. He's a remarkable young man and we wish him all the best as he begins his college education this Fall. Robert has not only been inside the operating room as a patient but he's been fortunate enough to witness cochlear implant surgeries already and other surgical procedures as well. Robert had rather be participating in the O.R. as a staff member rather than a patient so he's excited about his future as his parents are also. His mom has been a dedicated nurse at Children's Hospital for years. Robert Brown is showing our Bama kids how far a positive attitude, a sense of humor, and a great foundation can take you.
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